Application Closing Date: 2017-09-21
Ministry of Health, Nutrition and Indigenous Medicine
Wijaya Kumaratunga Memorial Hospital, Seeduwa.
Applications are invited for the following posts.
1. Nursing Officer
# Qualifications :-
*Nursing Officer with 03 years experience in a government Hospital of Ministry of Health.
# Age :-
*Preferably below 60 years
# Salary Scale :-
*Grade III : Rs.40,656.25 - 18 X 556.25 - 50,668.75 (Monthly)
*Grade II : Rs.47,043.75 - 18 X 825 - 61,893.75 (Monthly)
# Applicants from the Government sector should forward their applications through the Heads of the respective Institutions.
# Above post salary conversions will made up to 2020.01.01 according to the Public Administration Circular 03/2016.
# Above salaries include 25% increase in the current salary scale of the government service.
# Applications should be sent to the “Chairman, Wijaya Kumaratunga Memorial Hospital, Seeduwa to reach on or before 21st September, 2017 and should have the post applied for written on the top left hand corner of the envelope.
Wijaya Kumaratunga Memorial Hospital,
Information source 30.08.2017

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