Aldosterone in Blood

Aldosterone is a hormone made by the adrenal glands witch helps regulate sodium and potassium levels in the body. This helps control blood pressure and the balance of fluids and electrolytes in the blood.

Renin (a kidney hormone) normally stimulates the adrenal glands to release aldosterone. Renin and aldosterone levels go high when the body is trying to conserve fluid and sodium. Usually a renin activity test is done when the aldosterone level is measured.An aldosterone test measures the level of aldosterone in the blood.

An aldosterone test is done to

  • Check for a tumor in the adrenal glands.
  • Find the cause of high blood pressure or low blood potassium levels.
  • Measure the amount of aldosterone released into the body by the adrenal glands.

Preparation for an aldosterone test 

An aldosterone test is just a routine blood test.

But keep in touch with followings before the test.

  • Low-salt diet can increase aldosterone levels. Tell your doctor if you are on a low-salt food plan.
  • Do not eat foods that are very salty.
  • Do not eat natural black licorice for 2 weeks before this test.
  • Eat foods with a normal amount of sodium for 2 weeks before the test.
  • Many medicines may change the results of this test. Ask your doctor about all the nonprescription and prescription medicines you take.You may be asked to stop taking some medicines for 2 weeks before the test.
Following reasons you may not be able to have the test or why the results may not be helpful include:
  • Eating large amounts of natural black licorice.
  • Exercising hard or being under emotional stress.
  • Pregnancy. Aldosterone levels may be high in the third trimester of pregnancy.
  • Taking medicines, such as female hormones (progesterone and estrogen), corticosteroids, heparin, opiates, laxatives, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), or diuretics. Most medicines used to treat high blood pressure, especially spironolactone (Aldactone), eplerenone (Inspra), and beta-blockers, increase blood levels of aldosterone and renin.
  • Age. Aldosterone levels normally decrease with age.
Resluts of an aldosterone test

Aldosterone levels in a blood sample also depending on whether you are standing up or lying down at the time the blood is taken. Blood aldosterone levels will be higher if you are standing or sitting up for 2 hours before the test.

Standing or sitting down 5-80 nanograms per deciliter (ng/dL) or 0.14-2.22 nmol/L
Lying down 3-35 ng/dL or 0.08-0.97 nmol/L

Standing or sitting down 4-48 ng/dL or 0.11-1.33 nmol/L
Lying down 2-22 ng/dL or 0.06-0.61 nmol/L

Standing or sitting down 7-30 ng/dL or 0.19-0.83 nmol/L
Lying down 3-16 ng/dL or 0.08-0.44 nmol/L

The normal values of  Aldosterone levels listed here (reference range of aldosterone levels) may vary from lab to lab.

Aldosterone and renin levels
  • Primary hyperaldosteronism (Conn's syndrome): High Aldosterone & Low Renin
  • Secondary hyperaldosteronism : High Aldosterone & HighRenin
High Values of  Aldosterone
High aldosterone levels can be caused by
  • A tumor in the adrenal glands (Conn's syndrome).
  • Kidney disease.
  • Liver disease.
  • Heart failure.
  • Dehydration.
  • Preeclampsia, a condition during pregnancy that causes high blood pressure.

Symptoms of a high aldosterone level
  • High blood pressure
  • Muscle cramps and weakness
  • Numbness or tingling in the hands
  • Low levels of potassium in the blood.

Low Values of  Aldosterone
Low aldosterone levels can be caused by

Addison's disease and some types of kidney disease may cause low aldosterone levels.


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